Tag Archives: thyroid issues

Pregnancy Problems and Gluten

Not a day goes by that I don’t have an opportunity to write about gluten in response to some newspaper article, radio program, or fact talking about health. Below are two such instances within 24 hours. Neither mentioned the hazards of gluten:

  1. The New York Times, 11/8/16 under Global Health by Donald G. McNeil, Jr., D6 talks about new guidelines for pregnancy released by the W.H.O. Nowhere in this article does it mention testing for celiac disease or thyroid issues with the mother, yet numerous pregnancy and fetal issues can evolve, along with miscarriages and infertility, and many more if the mother is malabsorbing due to celiac or dealing with undiagnosed thyroid problems (can be linked to gluten too). It does mention iron and folic acid supplements “to prevent anemia, sepsis, and premature birth.” Yet if the mother is malabsorbing those supplements may not be absorbed. Unaddressed celiac disease can lead to a very poor outcome in pregnancy.
  2. The New Hampshire Union Leader, 11/9/16, Sec. B under USA Snapshots announces that the “preterm birthrate is up for the first time in 8 years in the USA.” The rate increased from 9.50% to 9.63% (in 2015) premature births. Granted this is just factual, but provides an opportunity to bring awareness to the public on the hazards of gluten if one should be experiencing preterm birth or most any other symptom or condition.

“Our Children Are Our Future” is the title of Chapter 12 in my award-winning, life-enhancing book, Toxic Staple. In it I cover many women’s, men’s, and pregnancy issues linked to celiac disease, supported by major world research.

Read my Table of Contents for more gluten-related pregnancy/female/male issues and many other diseases and associated conditions linked to gluten at: http://toxicstaple.com/wp-content/uploads/TS-TableOfContents.pdf. Check out my Endorsements at http://toxicstaple.com/endorsements/ suggesting doctors read Toxic Staple along with the public.

So much ill health throughout pregnancy and so many early childhood developmental problems could be avoided by addressing gluten before the health of the mother and/or fetus became so compromised. It is pitiful that little is being done to educate our OB/GYN doctors on the numerous issues associated with the malabsorption of celiac disease. You need to become your own advocate by reading up on the hazards of gluten.

Toxic Staple can lead you toward a path of self-discovery in finding wellness. Don’t ignore any chronic issue of any sort.

Please get back to me at http://toxicstaple.com/contact/ if you have a story to share or have a question I might help with. As always, try to find a doctor up on gluten to work with in solving your health issues.

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