Tag Archives: gluten

Is The Gluten-Free Diet Just Another Fad? Absolutely Not!

The gluten-free diet has become a fad, but it is definitely not just another fad.

It’s no wonder all the gluten-free faddists feel better, lose weight, have more energy, headaches and skin problems disappear, intestinal issues subside, reflux and PMS get better, etc. My take is this: if you have chronic or troublesome health issues that get better with a gluten-free lifestyle, you are most likely gluten-sensitive to some degree. You are somewhere on the path or continuum of having a gluten problem. Of course you feel better when you remove the toxic staple, gluten.

But there is a problem just trying the gluten-free diet. I named my book Toxic Staple for a very good reason: gluten is at the root of huge illness. There are thousands of studies from around the world linking gluten to major ill health. So it’s important to get tested to see the results in black and white. It really helps one stay on the GF diet if intolerant, but to do the blood tests you need to keep eating gluten. If you just think you are a little sensitive and don’t fully comprehend the implications of being intolerant or having celiac disease, you may have the temptation to cheat. No, a little bit of gluten is not ok if you are intolerant or have celiac disease.

Gluten is a toxic protein for a huge part of the population (about 30%). It slowly whittles your health away and devastating, degenerative disease may not appear until years or decades later when your body has become quite compromised. That’s why it’s so important to get tested. Find out if this insidious monster is lurking in your closet before more serious issues manifest. If so, then face the GF lifestyle with an A+ attitude and see how your health, energy, and vitality may change. You deserve a healthier and stronger life, and your family needs you to be healthy.

Please read the disclaimer on my site above.


New Hampshire Writers’ Week: Author Website Tour, Nov. 30 – Dec. 6, 2014

NHWP writers week - logo 2After ten years of research, collecting success stories, and pulling it all together I finally independently published TOXIC STAPLE: How gluten may be wrecking your health – and what you can do about it!    

No matter where I am—out to dinner, in a grocery or movie line, or at a NH Writer’s Conference, etc— I am driven to share my title, website http://www.toxicstaple.com, and enthusiasm for transforming one’s health if sick and tired of being sick and tired. Everyone knows someone suffering from chronic aliments/disease whose health/life could be transformed by following a gluten-free lifestyle, if intolerant. Gluten is affecting millions of ailing folks. Thousands of scientific studies from around the world link gluten to over 300 symptoms, diseases, and associated conditions. The problem is: huge unawareness is pervasive since few, if any, conferences are being offered to educate our doctors, and many medical professionals think gluten issues are rare, which is why I poured a decade of my life into writing Toxic Staple.

Now my dedication to this well documented, award-winning book is beginning to payback as people tell me their stories. This past month three people in New London told me their arthritis was 95% better by removing gluten. One woman looked at my number plate, xgluten, and said, “Are you the woman who wrote the book? Thank you soooooo much.” Going gluten-free has transformed her life. Another woman whose candida has cleared up with a gluten-free lifestyle has realized two more benefits with time: the numbness, tingling, and sometimes pain in her fingers and hands (neuropathy) after doing heavy work have evaporated, and the weakness of her left knee muscles/ligaments have strengthened so she can now do leg exercises for an old injury. One doctor emailed that her frozen shoulder was 95% better after doing the diet for 3 weeks. Another woman told me her fatigue has turned to energy, tummy issues have resolved, and her skin is softer.

As I sit by the woodstove in the quiet of my home in the Sunapee region, the peace and beauty of the lake and evergreens open spaces in my mind to write jingles that deliver a message: Gluten is a Toxic Staple for millions. If you are plagued with fatigue and chronic health issues that are affecting your lifestyle, energy, and focus in trying to work, play, read, or write it is incumbent upon you to become your own health advocate (in conjunction with your doctor). Get educated, get tested (you need to request a panel of tests or you may not get enough testing to detect a sensitivity until your health is very compromised), and if positive begin a journey with the gluten-free lifestyle. It can be life transforming!

It’s amazing what gets better when gluten is removed from the diet. You too can share your success story for the benefit of others at http://www.toxicstaple.com. The stories are endless!

Why Not Feel Great?

There is no debate
A crate of ailments
And unhealthy state
No thanks to gluten
Can totally desecrate
One’s health
Why let gluten dictate
If one can feel great?

Gluten-free equates
To a healthier state
It seems to negate
Chronic ill health
And dire straits
Gluten-free translates
To a healthier fate
Why not feel great?

Many thanks to all who have volunteered their time, energy, and creative spirit to the NH Writers’ Workshop. It has been a great source of support through courses at the annual conference, Writers’ Night Out, Great Leads, Social Media For Authors, and more. Also, IPNE, Independent Publishers of NE, exists to help folks like me to get their message into print.

Best of health to you all!

Anne Sarkisian
Award-winning author: TOXIC STAPLE: How gluten may be wrecking your health – and what you can do about it!


“Toxic Staple” Featured by Expert Dr. Rodney Ford from NZ

What a surprise! I was most honored and astonished to see my book, Toxic Staple, featured among such notable books as Wheat Belly and Grain Brain as one of the “go to” books for the bigger view of gluten-related disorders beyond celiac disease. It has taken a decade for me to bring this cutting-edge research and testing to the public.

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Dr. Rodney Ford, a pediatric gastroeneterologist and forward-thinking expert, lecturer, researcher, and author on gluten-related issues (from New Zealand) was most magnanimous to have included my book cover in his video, Daily bread: Can ANY human body handle gluten? This video is very worthwhile for everyone to watch. My mention is at about 9 min.


Dr. Ford stresses that it’s “risky” to consume gluten; that “a negative endoscopy does not rule out a gluten problem.” He alludes to Dr. Fasano’s research saying, “Nobody can digest the stuff” and that gluten leads to an overproduction of zonulin which in turn causes inflammation and leads to a “leaky gut.” He coined the term Gluten Syndrome and maintains it is mainly a brain disease, thus, the long list of neurological and cerebral issues linked to gluten.

Dr. Ford also gave a very strong endorsement of Toxic Staple to be found on this site under endorsements or in the front of the book.

A gentleman from NZ had sent Dr. Ford’s video to me, so you can imagine how shocked and thrilled I was to see my book mentioned by a world leader in gluten-related illness.

Depression and Gluten

What sad news about the talented and respected actor and comedian, Robin Williams, who has brought so much entertainment and so many laughs to the American public.

Not a day goes by that I don’t hear some awful news on TV, radio, or among friends and acquaintances that could be the result of gluten ingestion. Having read over two thousand abstracts and studies on the hazards of gluten consumption, I wonder if he and many others with debilitating illness might have been tested for gluten sensitivity.

Did you know that depression is a common symptom in those diagnosed with celiac disease. Many other neuro/cerebral symptoms/diseases and associated conditions, some of them very degenerative, are linked to gluten through numerous studies from around the world.

Celiac disease slowly destroys the ability of the intestinal wall to absorb the nutrients vital for good health. It stands to reason that if one is mal-absorbing due to damaged villi it could affect your brain and neurons. After all, in order to be healthy the brain and neurons need certain vitamins and minerals.

The longest chapter in my new book, TOXIC STAPLE: How GLUTEN may be wrecking your health – and what you can do about it! is entitled Neurological Dilemmas: The Mind-blowing Hazards of Gluten. If you or your child are suffering from ANY neurological health issues (or any other chronic health issues) please checkout more info above on this website for the lowdown on my book. It offers health and life-transforming information.

Neurological maladies are nothing to play with and often get worse over time. PLEASE get tested for gluten sensitivity, and if positive take the gluten-free lifestyle very seriously. You will need to request certain tests or it’s very likely you won’t get adequate testing to detect an intolerance.


Who is Educating Our Doctors? You MUST Become Your Own Advocate

Thousands of significant research studies from around the globe exist on the hazards of gluten consumption, but this vital information, much of it found in Toxic Staple, is not reaching mainstream medicine at anything beyond a snail’s pace even ten years after the NIH Consensus Conference on Celiac Disease in 2004. That’s why you must become your own advocate in maximizing your health.

Slowly, most gastroenterologists are finally recognizing celiac disease (CD), but there is still huge unawareness among mainstream medicine as to the symptoms and serious, degenerative, life threatening ailments linked to gluten whether it’s celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

I am amazed, as I go about life, how many people with gastrointestinal issues are never offered testing to track down a sensitivity to gluten. And too often, if they are tested, only one test is given. It may be negative and they are told they don’t have a problem with gluten. And gastrointestinal symptoms and maladies are only a small part of the picture.

Since gluten can affect ANY part of the body it is imperative that doctors in all facets of medicine be educated on its insidiously destructive effects.

But who is educating our doctors and healthcare practitioners on this crucial malabsorption/immune reactive issue? Many patients have had “every test in the book” except the right ones. It seems that testing for celiac disease or gluten intolerance is the last of the tests to be offered, if at all. They should be the first line of defense since so many ailments clear up when gluten sensitivity is detected and the nasty protein is removed with a gluten-free diet.

Are Celiac Disease & Gluten Intolerance Epidemic?


On my way to the gate for a flight to the 15th International Celiac Disease Conference held in Chicago I shared my business card for my new book, TOXIC STAPLE, and chatted with nine different people. I was amazed at the results. Here is the rundown:

  • Has CD and follows a GF diet
  • Has a friend with gluten issues
  • Her mother has CD and is doing the GF diet
  • Has IBS and fibromyalgia and her doctor does’t know the cause – on meds (I suggested she read my book then loan it to her doctor)
  • Knows 2 friends with CD/gluten issues
  • Said she probably needs the GF diet – has sinus/allergy issues (she’s probably right)
  • Has a friend doing the GFD
  • Has CD – her sister is an MD and is up on CD (there is still much unawareness of the serious complications of celiac disease in traditional medicine)
  • Was interested and will share my info

This is an incredible slant toward epidemic, wouldn’t you say? Eight out of nine people either had a gluten issue themselves or knew someone who did. Three to four years ago gluten and celiac were not a part of anyone’s vocabulary unless they were one of the few diagnosed. But since then nearly everyone I talk to either has gluten issues or knows someone who does. It’s exploding!

Read TOXIC STAPLE and you will come to understand the breadth of nutritional deficiencies, symptoms, diseases, and disorders being caused by a protein once thought to be healthy.

Knowledge Is Power!


TOXIC STAPLE is a collection of over 60 stunning stories of renewed health supported with nearly 700 easy-to-read citations from significant research from around the world and my own slant from going to conferences and talking to patients, practitioners, and the general public.

Read TOXIC STAPLE and you will –

  • Learn to recognize how gluten could be affecting your health
  • Discover the revolutionary health benefits of a gluten-free lifestyle if gluten sensitive (it is rampant)
  • Get the scoop on cutting-edge and more adequate traditional tests
  • Find hope in the inspirational stories of real people whose lives have done a 180 turnaround in health
  • Recognize the preventative aspects of a gluten-free lifestyle
  • Become empowered to enhance your health and transform your life with vital information to discuss with your doctor

Read the strong endorsements (click Endorsements above) from those in-the-know who say doctors and health care professionals or anyone wanting to feel better should read Toxic Staple.

Knowledge is power!


 Discover the power to transform your health and your life.