Tag Archives: gluten

Unexplained Infertility and Miscarriage! What’s The Best Approach?

I was motivated to comment on this article on infertility because not a mention was made of how gluten can affect infertility, sterility, miscarriage, and a poor outcome in pregnancy: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/866729?src=wnl_edit_tpal&uac=156633BG “Evidence-based approach to unexplained infertility: a systematic review.” Gunn DDBates GW.

Below is the first paragraph from Chapter 12 in Toxic Staple, “Our Children Are Our Future.”

“Are our children being done-in by the all-American, gluten-filled diet? Some researchers think so. In fact, one study reports that ‘up to 50% of the women with untreated celiac disease experience miscarriage or an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy.’* Infertility and sterility, spontaneous abortions, menstrual and hypogonadal issues, early births, low birth weight, birth defects, and learning disabilities are some of the many issues that can be related to gluten. I’ve talked with a number of women who were unable to conceive before being diagnosed with celiac disease (CD). Once they began following a gluten-free diet (GFD) and the body replenished itself—usually within six months or so—they became pregnant. ‘Coeliac disease is considerably more common than most of the diseases for which pregnant women are routinely screened,’** yet far too few doctors are aware of the correlation between gluten sensitivity and so many fertility and pregnancy-related issues. And women are not alone in having fertility problems related to CD. For more on the role of gluten sensitivity in male reproductive function, see the section in this chapter on Male Infertility, Loss of Libido, and Impotence.”

The chapter goes on to discuss many other pregnancy, women’s, and men’s issues that for the most part are being neglected by mainstream medicine. The research is there, but in many cases begs for much more. It is criminal that more attention isn’t paid to the numerous and devastating effects of gluten. Gluten is taking a huge and costly toll on our population, especially our young folks.

Are you having trouble conceiving or maintaining a healthy pregnancy?  If so, please do not ignore gluten. When all is said and done, I wonder how many OB/GYNs or infertility specialists might think to test their infertile or problematic pregnancy patients for celiac disease or gluten intolerance? Has your doctor suggested testing (4 blood tests) for gluten issues? If not you may need to become your own advocate.

Nobody really wants to know if they are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, but gluten is affecting a huge part of our population, maybe as high as about 1/3. Many folks are in sheer denial and keep their heads buried in sand at a cost to their own health or the health of their children. Discovering gluten issues and following an absolute GF lifestyle may just lead to a healthy pregnancy, not to mention a healthy life. Toxic Staple, in Chapters 16 and 17, explains blood and specialized, very sensitive, cutting-edge stool testing your doctor may not be up on (not a lab or hospital stool test). Do not expect to get enough testing to detect a problem by just asking your doctor to test you. Too many folks are not given enough testing or they test false negative on the one test offered and are told they do not have a gluten issue.

Very important: you need to keep eating gluten until you have the blood tests. Do not jump for joy if negative on the blood tests (as were most of my own family). It is crucial you follow through with stool testing (Chapter 17).

Please send your gluten-free success story via contact info above to share as an anonymous testimonial to the benefits of living GF.

* Martinelli, P., R. Troncone, F. Paparo, P. Torre, E. Trapanese, C. Fasano, A. Lamberti, G. Budillon, G. Nardone, and L. Greco. “Coeliac Disease and Unfavourable Outcome of Pregnancy.” Gut 46, no. 3 (2000): 332–35.

** Ibid.



Is Colon Cancer Linked To Gluten?

Colon Cancer

Daniel has been cancer-free for 4 years after a colon resection and 6 months of chemotherapy. His doctor thought his inflamed colon might have been due to gluten, but testing for both Crohns and celiac disease were negative. This can be a common experience as too often not enough testing is offered to detect a problem with gluten. The patient may be told, “Gluten is not your problem,” when in reality it is. I spell the blood and stool testing out in chapters 16 & 17 that will very likely detect an issue with gluten if there is one.

About a month prior to surgery his naturopathic doctor tested him for antibodies to gluten and wheat protein. He was high on both and began giving up gluten, which most likely affected the negative outcome of the celiac testing he was offered.

He claims, “I didn’t know I had a problem. My only symptom was leaky gut, a symptom that I had had my whole life. I was diagnosed with leaky gut in college because of chronic abdominal cramps and constipation. Taking psyllium fiber helped, but never completely relieved the symptoms.” That’s because it was a band-aide and didn’t address the main issue: What was causing his symptoms?

Leaky gut is not a symptom; it is a disorder caused by something and can lead to huge illness. Too many patients (and their doctors) underplay abdominal pain and constipation. They come to believe it is a normal part of life. Had Daniel been given adequate testing for celiac disease and gluten intolerance and adhered to a GF lifestyle he might (probably would) have avoided the colon cancer.

Daniel “tries” to stick to the GF lifestyle, but finds it difficult when traveling, especially abroad. If he gets hit with gluten he immediately, within 30 seconds, becomes congested and begins clearing his throat. Digestive issues ensue: constipation and gas. These symptoms appear to be a clear sign of gluten causation. They are a reaction to a foreign body that his immune system recognizes as a threat.

I’m hoping when Daniel gets to the end of my book, Toxic Staple, he will realize the necessity to be absolutely gluten-free wherever in the world he may be if he cares about his future health. Restaurants can always come up with something GF. Yes, it’s a bother to ask too many questions, but it is most important to keep yourself safe from mini-hits of gluten that can continue to do internal damage. Restaurants are coming more on board, but travel with fruit, nuts, and GF crackers and bars, just in case.

There is no way I would ever consume gluten and I am not overly sensitive. That’s because I do have a handle on the devastating and degenerative diseases linked to gluten (a decade of research – 2000+ studies, writing, collecting success stories, and going to conferences). Do you? Please educate yourself on the myriad symptoms, diseases, and associated conditions linked to gluten by thousands of international studies, many of which you will find in my book, Toxic Staple. I wrote this book to empower you and your loved ones. Only an over-the-edge driven grandmother could spell it out as I have. And please read the endorsements at http://toxicstaple.com/endorsements/ suggesting doctors read my book.

Celiac disease is associated with a difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat form of lymphoma called enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma (EATL). Anyone with celiac disease needs to be diagnosed early and live a 100% gluten-free lifestyle to avoid this and other serious complications of celiac disease. It is suggested “that EATL should be regarded as part of differential diagnosis in any patient presenting with abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and malabsorption because delay in treatment can result in an irreversible clinical outcome.”*

EATL: Patients with this form of cancer may not have a good prognosis; they may have abdominal pain due to “a hole in the wall of the intestine,” or ulcers or a blockage. EATL can travel to the colon, gallbladder, liver, lymph nodes, skin, spleen, and stomach.** Thus, the need to detect gluten issues early and pay strict attention to the GF lifestyle.

If you or your child have been suffering from stomach pain and intestinal issues or any one of the over 300 issues linked to gluten you will get the full picture from Toxic Staple, especially the testing you need to detect intolerance or celiac disease. Make a copy of the testing info for your doctor, and do not keep putting it off. You need to keep eating gluten until you have the blood tests. Low or no gluten can skew blood test results. Some doctors don’t even ask about this.

Celiac disease is only a fraction of the gluten problem. What really matters is whether you are gluten-intolerant. If intolerant you should never consume this nasty destructive protein. It can do you in over time. Even the littlest bit can keep the internal damage happening if you are sensitive to gluten.

There is a strong message here for the reader. If you are suffering from any one or more gastrointestinal issues please address it by getting thoroughly tested for gluten issues (4 blood tests). You will need to advocate for yourself as there is still huge unawareness of adequate testing to detect a problem with gluten. Keep eating gluten until you have the blood tests. And if negative on blood testing don’t stop until you follow it up with Dr. Fine’s stool testing. I have no financial interest in his lab; I just strongly believe in his very sensitive testing. My whole family, except the really sick grandkid, was negative on blood testing yet positive on stool tests. Everyone’s health turned around once we got on a GF diet/lifestyle.

A fair bit of research exists on colon cancer and gluten.

Do you have a colon cancer/gluten or cancer/gluten story to share for the benefit of others. If so please send via my contact button above.

The next post will address gluten issues in Daniel’s family.

*Onco Targets Ther. 2016 Feb 22;9:863-8. doi: 10.2147/OTT.S96745. eCollection 2016. Type I enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma in the colon of a 29-year-old patient and a brief literature review. Zhang JC1, Wang Y1, Wang XF1, Zhang FX1.

**Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: Enteropathy-associated T-cell Lymphoma http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-type/non-hodgkin-lymphoma/non-hodgkin-lymphoma/types-of-nhl/enteropathy-associated-t-cell-lymphoma/?region=on



Poem – Don’t Be Blasé: Get Your Child Tested Today

My jingles about gluten are light, but intended to get a much needed message across.

Don’t Be Blasé: Get Your Child Tested Today

If your darling child has a milestone delay
Be leary of what the doctor might say

If crawling and walking poorly display
Gluten could be the link so don’t be blasé

If your infant doesn’t put weight on her feet
Don’t be shocked, it could be related to wheat   (osteomalacia, osteopenia)

If for her age she appears petite   (stature or failure to thrive)
This too could be linked to wheat

If his language skills seem incomplete
Another warning, it could be the wheat

If fussy… can’t sleep through the night
It’s wheat again you might indict

If her skin is pebbly, rough, and dry
The gluten-free lifestyle might apply

If diagnosed with autoimmune disease
Could be from the glutinous sleaze

If respiratory issues appear everyday
Are you getting the message I’m trying to convey?

Gluten is the root of much sickness and delay
“Get your child tested!” is all I can say

© 2014 Anne Sarkisian

But you can’t just ask for gluten/celiac testing or it’s likely you won’t get enough to really track down celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Parents must advocate for themselves by getting educated. Testing information, to discuss with your doctor, in Toxic Staple (Chapter 16 and 17) will very likely help you and your doctor detect sensitivity to gluten if it exists.

The one blood test generally offered is too often not enough testing unless you have full-blown celiac disease or are close to the end of the road. It seems few doctors are aware of adequate blood testing or the cutting-edge sensitive stool test that saved my family. It’s not their fault as very little is being offered to educate our doctors. And sickness prevails!

My book spells out the ins and outs of testing to share with your doctor and it addresses many of the 300+ symptoms and diseases/disorders linked to gluten by major world research.

Please do not ignore chronic symptoms in your child or yourself! If negative on blood testing please pursue the very sensitive stool testing.


Thanks at Thanksgiving…and All Year

As we approach this Thanksgiving Day and holiday season many of us think a little more about giving thanks for all that we cherish: our family and friends, our freedom, and our good health, among many others. I especially am thankful everyday for the excellent health my family and I enjoy. Had we not discovered we were all quite intolerant to gluten we would not have been such happy campers these last 12 years.

Knowing what I know about the devastating and degenerative hazards of gluten from having poured a decade into research and writing my award-winning book, “Toxic Staple” I can’t imagine what shape my family and I would be in if we hadn’t figured this monster out. I am fortunate to only be on one med for a hypothyroid that was very likely damaged due to gluten (autoimmune diseases are highly linked to gluten) before I even knew what gluten was, and I never get sick, and have great energy.

Many of you, however, do not bask in the sunlight of good health and great energy and may not realize that much of your poor state of health lies in your own hands. Most of you really can do something about your allergies, asthma, fatigue, autoimmune diseases, skin issues, neurological maladies, and on and on, if you want to. Naturally everything is not linked to gluten, but truly, it is incredible what gets better when you address this “toxic staple” that pervades our everyday lives and destroys your gut and other parts of the body.

Going downhill at the rate I was traveling prior to “the gluten-free lifestyle” in my early sixties, I can only assume that my longevity has been extended vastly, along with greater health, and rejuvenated energy and vitality.

I encourage you to look at your health and that of your children and other family members and friends. Many of you think it is normal to have intestinal issues, fatigue, allergies, asthma, arthritis, organ issues, migraines, depression, and on and on for more than over 300 maladies linked to gluten, but it is not. Older age does not necessarily have to mean degenerative, failing health. Your health and life can become so much more enhanced and transformed that you would not believe it. I am in better shape in my seventies than when I was in my forties. No kidding! All I did was remove the “monster” gluten (dairy also bothers many who are gluten intolerant). By the end of the first year I was only going for health checkups instead of sick calls.

But let me warn you that the vast majority of our traditionally trained doctors are not giving enough testing to track down celiac disease or gluten intolerance, nor are they aware of the numerous symptoms and illnesses linked to gluten. It’s not really their fault. Little is being done to educate every health care professional in every facet of medicine, since gluten can affect any part of the body, and many think celiac and gluten issues are rare. They are epidemic!

If you are plagued with chronic symptoms and illness please…do your body and brain a favor… you must become your own advocate in conjunction with your doctor. Get educated, get tested (you will need to request certain tests), and if positive follow a 100% gluten-free lifestyle. No cheating!

 And give mega thanks you have discovered the root of your health problems.

Please read the disclaimer above.

Please get back to me with your success story at anne(@sign)toxicstaple.com and kindly share this info with all your sick and tired friends who may be misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, or overdosed! Even some of those who have rare and incurable diseases may find life can improve without gluten.

Need a speaker? anne(@)toxicstaple.com

The Gluten Link To Cancer: Maybe It’s Not The Processed Meat!

If you have ever seen how hotdogs and most sausages are made you’d think twice about consuming them. But is it the hotdogs, sausages, and luncheon meats that are causing an increased risk of developing stomach/intestinal/colon cancers or is it the hotdog rolls and sandwich bread?

Did the World Health Organization experts take into account that gluten can be at the root of stomach, intestinal, colon, esophageal, and many other cancers?

Compared to the general population, celiac patients have a much greater risk of developing gastrointestinal lymphoma (24-34x), and the risk is elevated substantially for esophageal and other cancers.*

Other research reports that CD “significantly increases [the] risk of developing small bowel lymphomas by 30 to 40 percent and other gut malignancies by 83-fold.”**

“A 10 – 280 fold increased risk of small bowel adenocarcinoma” was found in celiac patients compared to the general population.***

Patients suffering a return of symptoms after reacting positively to a strict GFD should be checked for “evidence of a small bowel malignancy.”****

Is anyone recognizing the impact gluten has on our bodies beside the researchers? Do you realize the devastating and degenerative affect gluten can have on any part of the body? Do you comprehend what gluten can do to your immune system if your villi are shot to hell and not absorbing vitamins and minerals?

If cancer patients were offered more testing than is generally given for celiac disease (too often only one), including testing for gluten intolerance, I wonder what percent of those with cancer would be positive for gluten issues?

For more information on cancer related to gluten read my chapter, “Gluten Indicted: An Answer To Cancer,” in my award-winning book, Toxic Staple.

*Sahin et al. “The Patient Presenting with Renal Failure Due to Multiple Myeloma Associated with Celiac Disease: Case Report” 2011

**Ahluwalia et al. “Aggressive Burkitt-like Lymphoma of Colon in a Patient with Prior Celiac Disease” 2006

*** Potter et al. “The Role of Defective Mismatch Repair in Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma in Celiac Disease” 2004

**** Straker et al. “Adenocarcinoma of the Jejunum” 1989



Poem: Trickster or Treat?

I have to admit Halloween has never been a favorite holiday of mine, but I was prompted to write this jingle for a local poetry group I’ve been trying to attend.

Trickster or Treat

It is a devilish trickster
In everything you know
From white flour in cupcakes
To wheat flour pizza dough

It plays with your health
In insidious ways
It can lead to cancer
And shorten your days

Neuro issues quite linked
To celiac disease
Detect if you have it
Get some expertise

Part of its schtick
Is autoimmune disease
It devastates your body
With seemingly great ease

Type 1 diabetes
Is associated you know
All should be tested
Before diseases overthrow

Over 80 autoimmune
Oh, you didn’t know
From thyroid, blood, and liver
To MS and cardio

A few symptoms
You might recognize
Reflux, fatigue, and headaches
Can be a great disguise

From intestinal issues
To weight loss or gain
To organ and skin problems
Can be related to grain

If you experience
Most any chronic disease
Consider it could be
Gluten is your sleaze

You have an opportunity
To educate yourself
On the many faces of gluten
That can deteriorate one’s health

The treat is finding out
What is wrecking your health
Once you discover it’s gluten
You’ll realize your greatest wealth

Over 300 symptoms and maladies
Linked to gluten if you please
Substantiated by world research
This is a moment to seize

By deleting this nasty protein
Your body can quickly heal
Feeling energetic, never sick
Has tremendous appeal

If you’ve been down and out
Not feeling very well
Get tested for gluten issues
Your health can excel

If your doctor says,
“There’s nothing I can do”
Don’t believe it for a minute
With gluten-free you can renew

A decade into “Toxic Staple”
Recommended for doctors too
With life-transforming info
For the sickly to pursue

So take this poem seriously
Your health may be at stake
Let the gluten-free diet
Your health vigorously remake

© Oct. 1915 Anne Sarkisian

For excellent testing information that goes beyond what is generally offered (if it is even offered), if you have chronic health issues, please check out and share with your doctor Chapters 16 and 17 in my book. Little is being extended in the way of conferences for health care professionals in all facets of medicine, and certainly not enough testing info is offered unless you have full-blown celiac disease and do test positive.  Too many folks test negative and told they don’t have a problem with gluten when in reality they are gluten intolerant.

Catch this nasty monster before it overtakes your health.



Scenario 2: Arthritis, Weight Gain, Skin Lesions, Iron Deficiency, and Not Enough Testing

These scenarios all took place within about ½ hr. on Oct. 3rd on a trip to the grocery store. I expect each is connected to gluten.

Today I met B. in the parking lot and hadn’t seen her for a while so I went over to say hello. She was having a time getting out of the car, but was still driving and using a cane. She mentioned she had arthritis and was doing the GF diet, but cheats “once in a while.” Her disabling arthritis is somewhat better….she explained. “I wouldn’t even be able to walk if I weren’t on the diet,” she exclaimed. I wondered how much better she might feel if she didn’t cheat and tried to stress being 100% GF.

I received news about several people struggling with arthritis that read my book and took it seriously by doing the GF diet. Their arthritis was 95% better. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease and autoimmune diseases are highly linked to gluten. It is important to know if you are intolerant to gluten or have celiac disease; seeing it in black and white will really help you stay on the diet.

I also met a young man whose girlfriend tested negative for celiac disease. She endured intestinal issues and was told she needed to do the “low fodmap” diet…which “eliminates just about everything,” he said. He thought she only had the tTG and wasn’t tested for gluten intolerance. He was very appreciative of my info and was going to pass it on.

Ten minutes later I overheard two women talking about weight lose. I excused myself for butting in and mentioned that often people who have celiac disease lose 10-12 lbs.…even 30-40 lbs. without trying once they remove the toxic staple. They were both very interested in my topic and glad I shared my card with them. One woman mentioned she was taking iron pills. I asked if her doctor ever questioned why she needed iron or did s/he offer to test for celiac. No! That’s why I wrote my book. She wanted to know where to get the book and was most interested. Hoping she’ll get back to me with a success story.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot I noticed a woman intrigued by my number plate, XGLUTEN, so I rolled the window down for a chat. She was off sugar and gluten. Her doctor said her psoriasis and actinic keratosis, precancerous skin lesions, were better than he’d seen in 10 years. And she lost 5-6 lbs.

Skin issues can signify an unhealthy body. Numerous multisyllabic skin diseases that can respond to a gluten-free lifestyle are mentioned in Chapter 11: The Skin You’re In. Dairy is often another protein linked to skin issues.

Whether you have arthritis, excess weight, iron deficiency, intestinal issues, or skin lesions, you may very well have celiac disease or be somewhere on the continuum of intolerance to gluten. Unfortunately, too often, not enough testing is being offered to track it down and the patient is told they don’t have a problem with gluten. I explain testing and present the research and stories to back it up.
It is very important to detect gluten intolerance if it exists whether it’s affecting your gut, joints, skin, or some other part of your body. You are in the drivers seat and you too may be able to turn your health around as my family and I did.

Download your Free Report on The Hazards of Gluten at the top right corner above. Read the endorsements on my site above saying doctors should read my book.

Please get back to me with your success story at: anne(at)toxicstaple.com.

Quote: A Bit Crazed!

A woman I met at a show said her test for buying a book was whether or not the first page of the first chapter grabbed her. She bought the book! Below is the first paragraph she read from my life-transforming book, Toxic Staple:

“When the health of one’s children and grandchildren is severely, negatively impacted and the doctors don’t think anything is wrong, or can’t find answers, or treat the symptoms with heavy pharmaceuticals that don’t address the cause, then one can become a bit crazed. I don’t mean crazed as in mentally unstable, I mean crazed as in passionately driven to learn as much as possible about the origin of the numerous and insidious maladies affecting not just members of my family but a huge number of people in families around the world. I also mean crazed as in determined to get the word out to the many folks who are finding no resolution to their ailments despite having had ‘every test there is’—except the right ones.”

Of course gluten affects people of all ages, not just children.If you are finding no resolution to your ailments, are swamped with drugs and their numerous side effects, or are just plain “sick and tired of being sick and tired” maybe you too will be grabbed by this intro to getting your health back. Go to the Free Report box in upper right corner of this website and download your free copy of The Hazards of Gluten. If you can relate to even one of those symptoms or chronic ailments (there are over 300) you or a loved one may have intolerance to gluten. Read Toxic Staple and discover a new path toward rejuvenated health and energy, and how to track it down, if gluten is your problem. Your health is in your very own hands. You won’t believe the research and stories you will read.

Poem: A Healthy Start

I was inspired to write this jingle after meeting a family who no doubt would benefit from reading Toxic Staple since most of them had gut issues and were getting nowhere with their doctors. Unfortunately I got her contact info wrong, so if this mom recognizes herself in this poem, please get back to me through my site. We met at Logan Airport.

A Healthy Start

I talk to everyone
To introduce my book
I encourage sick and tired folks
To take a deeper look

At Logan on our way
To warmth in the glorious sun
I met a handsome family
Whose health was being undone

Amazed, the mom said to me
“So funny we should meet
As we got out of the car
We discussed gluten and wheat”

Mom thought her teenaged son
Might have dreaded IBS
And wondered if gluten had
Created his intestinal distress

She questioned if she too
Had a tricky gut issue
As she had intestinal complaints
She needed to subdue

Her daughter she strongly felt
Might have the problem too
And was ready to devour my book
And all the info she could accrue

To the busy ticket counter
They soon did arrive
Now armed with a book
To help her family survive

Off they happily went
Into the glorious sun
If gluten is their problem
Their ailments can be undone

I tell most everyone I met
The GF lifestyle is forever
If intolerant to gluten
You must eat it…never… ever

To be sensitive to gluten
And not address its effect
Could lead to many ailments
And lives being totally wrecked

Dear reader of this rhyme
What you may not know
Gluten can crimp your life
And deliver an unhealthy blow

So read Toxic Staple
Take my book to heart
This life-transforming info
Will give you a healthy start.

© 2015 Anne Sarkisian



Could Tom Brokaw’s Multiple Myeloma Be Linked To Gluten?

Below is a link to the WebWire release questioning whether Tom Brokaw’s multiple myeloma could be linked to gluten. In it Sarkisian quote’s a European researcher who suggests “multiple myeloma could be a worse form of gluten intolerance than celiac disease.”


The article prompted a read of Toxic Staple and a strong endorsement from Professor Zorica Juranic:

“Reading the book Toxic Staple of Anne Sarkisian I was really amazed by her sincerity, and determination to confer the truth about so many toxic gluten effects. The book is perfectly written. No words to add or to remove from the text.

“Anne Sarkisian deserves the special respect for her book; firstly for her frankness, honesty, and courage to say the truth about her fight for the health of her loved ones, for the health of many gluten-sensitive people, the fight to open consciousness of health professionals for the complex, potentially harmful gluten effects.

“She alone, with her soul, heart and intellect, did great and hard job carefully searching through scientific medical literature. She clearly listed the clinical signs and laboratory tests related to diagnosis of gluten sensitivity (in almost all very serious health disorders connected with this) and not less important, she wrote about which food is healthy for people with proven gluten sensitivity. This points to Anne Sarkisian as the rare, unique, wise person, which with the book Toxic Staple, opens important new civilization breakthough in the care of general people health.

“I warmly recommend this book for reading. It is a gift, full of knowledge which could help many people suffering from enormous reactivity to gluten to live healthier. Every information in this book is supported by appropriate reference from peer reviewed scientific journals that make it credible, not only for forward-thinking medical doctors, but also for all health professionals, as well as for non/educated people who are interested in their health and, more importantly, for the health of their loved ones.”

Zorica Juranić, PhD, retired Research Professor

Author of the publication: “Antibodies contained in “M” component of some patients with multiple myeloma are directed to food antigens?” Leuk Res. 2006 Dec; 30(12):1585-6.