Tag Archives: arthritis

Scenario 2: Arthritis, Weight Gain, Skin Lesions, Iron Deficiency, and Not Enough Testing

These scenarios all took place within about ½ hr. on Oct. 3rd on a trip to the grocery store. I expect each is connected to gluten.

Today I met B. in the parking lot and hadn’t seen her for a while so I went over to say hello. She was having a time getting out of the car, but was still driving and using a cane. She mentioned she had arthritis and was doing the GF diet, but cheats “once in a while.” Her disabling arthritis is somewhat better….she explained. “I wouldn’t even be able to walk if I weren’t on the diet,” she exclaimed. I wondered how much better she might feel if she didn’t cheat and tried to stress being 100% GF.

I received news about several people struggling with arthritis that read my book and took it seriously by doing the GF diet. Their arthritis was 95% better. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease and autoimmune diseases are highly linked to gluten. It is important to know if you are intolerant to gluten or have celiac disease; seeing it in black and white will really help you stay on the diet.

I also met a young man whose girlfriend tested negative for celiac disease. She endured intestinal issues and was told she needed to do the “low fodmap” diet…which “eliminates just about everything,” he said. He thought she only had the tTG and wasn’t tested for gluten intolerance. He was very appreciative of my info and was going to pass it on.

Ten minutes later I overheard two women talking about weight lose. I excused myself for butting in and mentioned that often people who have celiac disease lose 10-12 lbs.…even 30-40 lbs. without trying once they remove the toxic staple. They were both very interested in my topic and glad I shared my card with them. One woman mentioned she was taking iron pills. I asked if her doctor ever questioned why she needed iron or did s/he offer to test for celiac. No! That’s why I wrote my book. She wanted to know where to get the book and was most interested. Hoping she’ll get back to me with a success story.

As I was pulling out of the parking lot I noticed a woman intrigued by my number plate, XGLUTEN, so I rolled the window down for a chat. She was off sugar and gluten. Her doctor said her psoriasis and actinic keratosis, precancerous skin lesions, were better than he’d seen in 10 years. And she lost 5-6 lbs.

Skin issues can signify an unhealthy body. Numerous multisyllabic skin diseases that can respond to a gluten-free lifestyle are mentioned in Chapter 11: The Skin You’re In. Dairy is often another protein linked to skin issues.

Whether you have arthritis, excess weight, iron deficiency, intestinal issues, or skin lesions, you may very well have celiac disease or be somewhere on the continuum of intolerance to gluten. Unfortunately, too often, not enough testing is being offered to track it down and the patient is told they don’t have a problem with gluten. I explain testing and present the research and stories to back it up.
It is very important to detect gluten intolerance if it exists whether it’s affecting your gut, joints, skin, or some other part of your body. You are in the drivers seat and you too may be able to turn your health around as my family and I did.

Download your Free Report on The Hazards of Gluten at the top right corner above. Read the endorsements on my site above saying doctors should read my book.

Please get back to me with your success story at: anne(at)toxicstaple.com.

New Hampshire Writers’ Week: Author Website Tour, Nov. 30 – Dec. 6, 2014

NHWP writers week - logo 2After ten years of research, collecting success stories, and pulling it all together I finally independently published TOXIC STAPLE: How gluten may be wrecking your health – and what you can do about it!    

No matter where I am—out to dinner, in a grocery or movie line, or at a NH Writer’s Conference, etc— I am driven to share my title, website http://www.toxicstaple.com, and enthusiasm for transforming one’s health if sick and tired of being sick and tired. Everyone knows someone suffering from chronic aliments/disease whose health/life could be transformed by following a gluten-free lifestyle, if intolerant. Gluten is affecting millions of ailing folks. Thousands of scientific studies from around the world link gluten to over 300 symptoms, diseases, and associated conditions. The problem is: huge unawareness is pervasive since few, if any, conferences are being offered to educate our doctors, and many medical professionals think gluten issues are rare, which is why I poured a decade of my life into writing Toxic Staple.

Now my dedication to this well documented, award-winning book is beginning to payback as people tell me their stories. This past month three people in New London told me their arthritis was 95% better by removing gluten. One woman looked at my number plate, xgluten, and said, “Are you the woman who wrote the book? Thank you soooooo much.” Going gluten-free has transformed her life. Another woman whose candida has cleared up with a gluten-free lifestyle has realized two more benefits with time: the numbness, tingling, and sometimes pain in her fingers and hands (neuropathy) after doing heavy work have evaporated, and the weakness of her left knee muscles/ligaments have strengthened so she can now do leg exercises for an old injury. One doctor emailed that her frozen shoulder was 95% better after doing the diet for 3 weeks. Another woman told me her fatigue has turned to energy, tummy issues have resolved, and her skin is softer.

As I sit by the woodstove in the quiet of my home in the Sunapee region, the peace and beauty of the lake and evergreens open spaces in my mind to write jingles that deliver a message: Gluten is a Toxic Staple for millions. If you are plagued with fatigue and chronic health issues that are affecting your lifestyle, energy, and focus in trying to work, play, read, or write it is incumbent upon you to become your own health advocate (in conjunction with your doctor). Get educated, get tested (you need to request a panel of tests or you may not get enough testing to detect a sensitivity until your health is very compromised), and if positive begin a journey with the gluten-free lifestyle. It can be life transforming!

It’s amazing what gets better when gluten is removed from the diet. You too can share your success story for the benefit of others at http://www.toxicstaple.com. The stories are endless!

Why Not Feel Great?

There is no debate
A crate of ailments
And unhealthy state
No thanks to gluten
Can totally desecrate
One’s health
Why let gluten dictate
If one can feel great?

Gluten-free equates
To a healthier state
It seems to negate
Chronic ill health
And dire straits
Gluten-free translates
To a healthier fate
Why not feel great?

Many thanks to all who have volunteered their time, energy, and creative spirit to the NH Writers’ Workshop. It has been a great source of support through courses at the annual conference, Writers’ Night Out, Great Leads, Social Media For Authors, and more. Also, IPNE, Independent Publishers of NE, exists to help folks like me to get their message into print.

Best of health to you all!

Anne Sarkisian
Award-winning author: TOXIC STAPLE: How gluten may be wrecking your health – and what you can do about it!


Are You Gluten Sensitive? How Would You Know?

RECOGNIZE you may have an issue with gluten (celiac disease or gluten intolerance) if you can relate to any of the following:

  • Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
  • Are you misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, or overdosed?
  • Do you have one or more chronic symptoms/conditions that just won’t let up?
  • Do you pick up every cold and flu bug or have a poor immune system?
  • Are you plagued with allergies or asthma?
  • Are your children bouncing off the walls in school, sick a lot, suffering on the autism spectrum, not able to focus, exhibiting behavioral/anxiety issues, etc.?
  • Do autoimmune diseases, anemia, and/or cancer seem to run in your family?
  • Are you suffering with liver, cardio, thyroid conditions, and more?
  • Are you plagued with migraines/headaches, insomnia, restless legs syndrome?
  • Do you think illness, arthritis, and lack of energy are just a part of growing older?
  • Are you fed up with too many doctors’ appointments, time lost from work and play, too many meds, and not enough answers as to what’s making you so sick and tired?

This is the short list. Over 300 symptoms, diseases, and associated conditions are linked to gluten. TOXIC STAPLE is an eye opener, as in “WOW, I didn’t know that!”

Wouldn’t you like to feel better, have more energy, and age more gracefully without chronic illness and degenerative conditions? TOXIC STAPLE can help you detect celiac disease or gluten intolerance with significant testing information, and it can help transform your health and life by following a gluten-free lifestyle, if you or someone you love is gluten sensitive.