Are You Gluten Sensitive? How Would You Know?

RECOGNIZE you may have an issue with gluten (celiac disease or gluten intolerance) if you can relate to any of the following:

  • Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
  • Are you misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, or overdosed?
  • Do you have one or more chronic symptoms/conditions that just won’t let up?
  • Do you pick up every cold and flu bug or have a poor immune system?
  • Are you plagued with allergies or asthma?
  • Are your children bouncing off the walls in school, sick a lot, suffering on the autism spectrum, not able to focus, exhibiting behavioral/anxiety issues, etc.?
  • Do autoimmune diseases, anemia, and/or cancer seem to run in your family?
  • Are you suffering with liver, cardio, thyroid conditions, and more?
  • Are you plagued with migraines/headaches, insomnia, restless legs syndrome?
  • Do you think illness, arthritis, and lack of energy are just a part of growing older?
  • Are you fed up with too many doctors’ appointments, time lost from work and play, too many meds, and not enough answers as to what’s making you so sick and tired?

This is the short list. Over 300 symptoms, diseases, and associated conditions are linked to gluten. TOXIC STAPLE is an eye opener, as in “WOW, I didn’t know that!”

Wouldn’t you like to feel better, have more energy, and age more gracefully without chronic illness and degenerative conditions? TOXIC STAPLE can help you detect celiac disease or gluten intolerance with significant testing information, and it can help transform your health and life by following a gluten-free lifestyle, if you or someone you love is gluten sensitive.