Tag Archives: celiac disease

“Full of Doubt” about Gluten?

I love this quote by Bertram Russell; it so applies to gluten-related issues:

“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”

Most of my friends fall into the intelligent group, but they are so doubtful about the mega research on gluten related-symptoms and conditions because their doctors, associated with some of the best hospitals and clinics in the country, know so little on this topic. Of course they might be doubtful.

But the research on gluten-related conditions is massive. And the stories in the book of renewed health substantiated by stunning studies pointing to the numerous hazards of consuming gluten are quite incredible. There are over 19,000 studies on over 300 symptoms and ailments. I didn’t fabricate this info.

Wheat has been the staff of life for thousands of years, but in the forties the gluten in wheat was discovered to be the root cause of celiac disease that leads to mal-absorption of vitamins and minerals by destroying the villi. This in turn can affect any part of the body on multiple levels at any age. Celiac disease appears to be on a continuum of gluten intolerance, so gluten may be whittling away at your health for decades before you become so sick and compromised that you do test positive on the one test the doctor may offer for celiac.

We all know people who are miserable and suffering with cancer, autoimmune disease, neurological, skin, and gastroenterological issues and so much more; or perhaps they are just below the surface of “healthy” with fatigue, colds, allergies, rashes, etc. I would urge you or them to look over the Table of Contents at: http://toxicstaple.com/wp-content/uploads/TS-TableOfContents.pdf; many more gluten-related issues are covered in the book.

You too can find better health. My whole family did. Read my family saga in Toxic Staple.

Deadly Flu and Gluten?

When you hear of people dying or suffering the need of amputation (can’t locate the article that prompted this blog) from a terrible case of the #flu, I would wonder what shape their immune system was in. The same goes for #heart issues or most any serious health issue or lingering symptom.

If you have undetected and/or unaddressed celiac or gluten intolerance which can lead to all sorts of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, your immune system can be shot to pieces. Lacking the proper nutrition to keep your body strong and healthy, no doubt, can have a negative effect on how well you handle and fight off the flu.

Not only do you need to be consuming a healthy diet. You need to be “absorbing” those nutrients for the body to function optimally. Mal-absorption is a key issue among those who are intolerant to gluten, especially if they have full-blown celiac disease.

If you are weighed down with the flu or have most any chronic symptom or disease you might want to consider whether or not you could be gluten intolerant. Most people think it’s not their problem, but keep in mind that your symptoms and ailments are caused by something and according to numerous holistic practitioners gluten is at the top of the list of triggers.

If you are a sickly person, always getting the flu, colds, or a sore throat has your doctor ever offered testing for celiac or gluten issues? Too many mainstream doctors still think symptoms for celiac are related only to the gastrointestinal track. Not so! And if s/he has tested you (doubtful unless you are dealing with a functional medicine doctor who looks for the cause) was the result negative? There are too many false negatives with the typical tTg blood test given for celiac disease.

Just recently I spoke with a gentleman who had celiac disease. Both of his kids were tested, but were negative. I explained that they may not have had enough testing to detect a gluten issue and it would be a good idea to follow up with the stool testing.

My award-winning book, #ToxicStaple spells out blood testing and fecal (stool) testing that will likely get you an answer if gluten intolerant in Chapters 16 and 17. Too many doctors are not aware of other tests that are all FDA approved.

Scenario 4

Scenario 4 covers a 24 hour period of meeting folks who either have issues that will very likely clear up on a gluten-free diet or their conditions have already vanished or improved. I base my hunches of ill health reversal on the magnitude of research I have done to write Toxic Staple and on having talked with hundreds of sick and tired folks since 2004 and patients who have rediscovered their health.

The incidence of gluten intolerance seems to be growing rapidly. As I was at a fair recently I only chose to introduce my book to 4 people. Three out of four went for their wallet without even asking to look at the book (I hadn’t intended to sell to them on the spot…just wanted to introduce my website and get them thinking about what might be triggering their symptoms). I made no promises but I expect their health issues to resolve when they remove the trigger and begin to allow their gut to heal.

This is the outcome:

  1. The first woman was most interested when I mentioned thyroid issues; she had hypothyroidism, dark circles around her eyes, and had been dealing with migraines, UTI’s, fatigue, and asthma. She may have been 15 to 20 lbs. overweight and couldn’t lose it, and heat bothered her. Tired of not feeling well, she was all excited to think there may be a better way to live and was most enthusiastic to read Toxic Staple. She has no idea how good she may come to feel if gluten is her problem and she relinquishes it. She has two friends doing the GF lifestyle  who are off their allergy and high blood pressure meds and their lives have positively changed. How common is this picture among women? I would suggest…VERY!
  2. I met a woman who was very enthusiastic about my book and is affiliated with a health and wellness company. She had a skin issue presenting and I mentioned the lengthy list of skin issues linked to gluten in the chapter, “The Skin You’re In.” Skin ailments can be a sign of ill health. Many skin diseases can turn around or get miles better off gluten according to the research which begs for much more on the skin disease/gluten connection.
  3. One gentleman was eager to checkout my website and read the book. I expect he will find he has celiac disease or is gluten intolerant; and I highly expect his psoriasis, that must be most irritating, will clear up. Dairy can also be at the root of some skin conditions.
  4. One woman mentioned allergies and she had a couple other symptoms. I expect her life will change if she digs into this. Many who address gluten intolerance find their allergies and food sensitivities clear up once the gut is healed.

Heading for a breakfast gathering the next morning we bumped into an old friend of my husband’s who was anxious to tell me he was on a gluten-free diet. His gout had disappeared and he had lost 20 lbs. Life is good and he’s feeling great! He’s definitely on a healthier road and is taking the diet quite seriously. This is the first I’ve heard of gout healing on a GF diet…gone! Many have told me their arthritis is 95% better with a gluten-free lifestyle.

These scenarios are intended to bring awareness to the sick and tired population not only of many of the 300+ symptoms and ailments linked to gluten, but of the expanding epidemic gluten intolerance has become. Some experts claim it to be about 30% of our population. By the sheer magnitude of gluten issues among folks I talk to, I think they are right!

Advocate for yourself by getting educated on the hazards of gluten and how to adequately test for intolerance. You are in the driver’s seat for better health.


Order Toxic Staple and read the reviews at: https://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Staple-Gluten-Wrecking-Health-ebook/dp/B00I45HWWM:

Endorsements from professionals in-the-know suggesting doctors read it too: http://toxicstaple.com/endorsements/

Disclaimer: http://toxicstaple.com/disclaimer/



Can Dementia and Cognitive Decline Be Reversed?

Dietary supplements such as vitamin E, Omega-3s, curcumin, ginko biloba, coconut oil, and other vitamins and minerals basically have no dietary benefits on dementia or other cognitive problems or there is not enough data to prove it, as reported by the Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: NIH. Wait a minute!

The real problem could be this: A significant part of our population either has celiac disease or gluten intolerance and is malabsorbing to many different degrees, so it stands to reason that these supplements or even a multi-vitamin may not be well absorbed. In addition, the vitamins and minerals needed to keep your brain and neurons functioning optimally may not be absorbed from the good food we eat eventually leading to brain fog, cognitive issues, and a raft of ailments. This appears to be a no-brainer to me!

Knowing that about 80% of those with celiac (1/100) are still undiagnosed don’t you wonder what could be happening to those poor folks. I would suggest they are on their way (many already there) to the utmost of ill health: cognitive issues, organ failure, compromised pregnancies, cancers, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases…what more is there?

And what about those who are gluten intolerant? Are they malabsorbing too? (To be addressed in another blog?)

New research exists on dementia turning around. I need to find it. Meanwhile if you have most any chronic issue, don’t take it lightly and know that many of you can do something about so much of your chronic health issues. You are in the driver’s seat.

Your copy of Toxic Staplehttps://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Staple-Gluten-Wrecking-Health/dp/0989239217/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1383169580&sr=8-1&keywords=toxic+staple

Disclaimer: http://toxicstaple.com/disclaimer/

Article that provoked this blog: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/providers/digest/alzheimers-science?nav=cd#heading1

Problematic Pregnancies and Gluten

Did you know “the prevalence of celiac disease is estimated to be 4 to 8 times higher in women with fertility problems than in the general population?” (1)

Many women having pregnancy or women’s issues are undiagnosed and therefore untreated celiacs. This opens the door for any number of problematic pregnancy issues.

It is a no-brainer that women should be screened for celiac disease before they even think of becoming pregnant, yet this is not even one of the required tests  if pregnant, and it would be important to know if they were gluten intolerant too. Testing for gluten intolerance is practically nonexistent and often the celiac testing is false negative. (Testing is well covered in Toxic Staple.)

There remains huge unawareness among OB/GYN professionals about the numerous hazards of gluten and how it affects the mother and the fetus. Many of these issues will resolve or not evolve if gluten is addressed with an absolute gluten-free diet.

Celiac is a malabsorption issue. When you can’t absorb your vitamins and minerals that keep the body and a fetus healthy a vast array of nasty outcomes may develop including infertility (and sterility), miscarriage, light birthweight, premature births, developmental and learning disabilities, and many more (discussed in Chapter 12: Our Children Are Our Future).

Send your GF success story to share anon. on the Toxic Staple Blog to Anne at:  http://toxicstaple.com/contact/



Endorsements for Toxic Staple

Toxic Staple was written to enlighten the general public that is so sick and tired of being sick and tired about the hazards of gluten; however, many glowing endorsements by doctors and professionals in-the-know suggest doctors read Toxic Staple.The research, made easy-to-read and tied into many gluten-free success stories of lives turning around, delves into many of the 300 plus symptoms and diseases linked to gluten by over 19,000 studies. 

Check them out here: http://toxicstaple.com/endorsements/ 

If you would like to share an endorsement for Toxic Staple please do so through Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Staple-Gluten-Wrecking-Health/dp/0989239217 and/or at the “contact” on this site:  http://toxicstaple.com/contact/.

  • This is an excellent book!  Anne Sarkisian has sifted through a daunting quantity of research on the subject of gluten intolerance, then delivered the information in readable, layperson language. The urgent quest to understand the reason for her five year old grandson’s poor health set Anne on her mission to educate others about this subject.  Readers will find this to be a sensible book with practical suggestions that include specific testing that can be ordered to determine if symptoms experienced lie on the continuum of celiac disease.  Case examples round out the picture.  Sarkisian’s writing style is clear, concise, compelling.  Toxic Staple ought to be read by and in the waiting room of every health care professional!   >> by Barbara Wooly 5/6/17

Are Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lewey Body Linked to Gluten?

I had written this a while back in response to an article in the New Hampshire Leader, Sept 18, 2016; Silver Linings: Issues of Aging in NH: Could This Be A Cure by Gretchen M. Grosky

If nearly 8 million people are suffering from Lewey Body, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s it would seem incumbent on mainstream medicine to look at the root cause of these degenerative, debilitating, and costly diseases that are tearing into the heart of families.

Since gluten can affect any part of the body it would be essential for health professionals, in all facets of medicine, to have a handle on the widespread hazards of gluten consumption. But it appears little is being done to educate our practitioners  (motivation for writing Toxic Staple).

Over 300 symptoms, diseases, and associated conditions are linked to gluten by thousands of world studies. Gluten can affect neurons, the brain, blood, bones, muscles, tissue, organs, glands, and the fetus. It is linked to numerous neurological, gastrointestinal, autoimmune, and cancer issues with strong research to back it up, yet many diseases and symptoms are begging for more.

Significant research links many devastating, neurodegenerative diseases to gluten. Among them are MS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s/dementia issues, supranuclear palsy, schizophrenia, seizures, autism, ataxia, ADHD, tremors, neuromuscular disease, migraines, depression, ataxia/balance issues and more.

It’s easy to understand how such crippling neurological diseases as Lewy Body, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s can evolve. When the intestinal villi that absorb vitamins and minerals are destroyed due to celiac disease the body becomes deficient in nutrients vital for optimal brain and neural health. Taking a handful of vitamins will do little to help if malabsorption from celiac disease is the problem.

One storyteller (in Toxic Staple) speaks of allergies, skin issues, fatigue to the point of needing a nap in his car at lunchtime, arrhythmias, depression, and memory retrieval problems. He was diagnosed with celiac disease, followed the gluten-free lifestyle 100%, and seven months later everything was gone. Another woman was headed for an Alzheimer’s unit. She was diagnosed with celiac, put on the GF diet and is doing great at age 85 in her own place.

It would be most important for any patient with most any chronic health issue to look into testing for gluten intolerance/sensitivity or celiac disease, but testing is another whole can of worms. Too often not enough testing is given and there can be many false negatives. Patients need to become their own advocate and get educated. Don’t delay!

Order your copy of Toxic Staple here: http://toxicstaple.com/buy-the-book/https://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Staple-Gluten-Wrecking-Health/dp/0989239217

Read endorsements here suggesting doctors read Toxic Staple: http://toxicstaple.com/endorsements/


JUVENILE ARTHRITIS: Why Do Nearly 300,000 Children Need To Suffer From This Terrible Autoimmune Disease?

It’s because mainstream medicine has their head buried in the sand of “unawareness” (to be kind).

The bottom line of a Medscape article on New Guidelines and Recommendations pertaining to juvenile arthritis is that early exposure to antibiotics in childhood greatly increases the risk of developing juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), an autoimmune disease. It didn’t seem to matter what type of antibiotic was used. *

Antibiotics are known to wipe out the good bacteria along with the bad, and thus can contribute to an ill-functioning gut. Antibiotics seem to be handed out like candy for just about every childhood ailment.

It’s only been in the last few years that the importance of the gut biome, the condition of your gut, has been seriously recognized by a handful of forward-thinking doctors as being linked to autoimmune disease. You’ve probably heard that 70-80% of the immune system lies within the gut. So if you have a healthy gastrointestinal system you’re probably in pretty good shape, and contrary to that, if you suffer from most any chronic intestinal (or most any other) symptom/ailment you may very well have a “leaky gut.” Keep in mind that you can have full-blown celiac disease and have “no symptoms.”

Dr. Tom O’Bryan, a leading authority on gluten intolerance and celiac disease has stated in his “Betrayal Series” that if you have a healthy gut, you’ll never develop autoimmune disease. Other in-the-know doctors agree with this statement, but the group is miniscule.

Celiac disease is the only autoimmune disease with a known cause: gluten. Why is it that many autoimmune diseases get better or resolve (see stories in my book) on a gluten-free diet? Could gluten be a root cause of all autoimmune disease? Time will tell, but I expect so. Please see the long list of autoimmune diseases in my Table of Contents at http://toxicstaple.com/about-toxic-staple/ that are linked to gluten by major research. There are over 80 autoimmune diseases recognized, but probably another 50-100 awaiting clarification.

When are we going to see studies on JIA (and RA and OA) and gluten? There are 1,000s of studies on celiac and gluten intolerance, but few on the link to arthritis. Yet you will find thousands of studies on drugs to “treat” and “control” arthritis and numerous other autoimmune diseases. Many folks have told me their own rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or osteoarthritis (OA) was 95% better after eliminating gluten and allowing their gut to heal. You realize there would be a huge loss of business if everyone with arthritis jumped on a gluten-free diet.

Please, if you know of anyone (especially a child) with arthritis, kindly urge they get tested for celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Too often not enough testing is given to detect a problem so I spell it out in my book, Toxic Staple. To learn more please visit www.toxicstaple.com and always work with your doctor. You can even copy some pages from the book to share.

Disclaimer: http://toxicstaple.com/disclaimer/

Get your copy of Toxic Staple here: https://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Staple-Gluten-Wrecking-Health/dp/0989239217 …or visit: http://toxicstaple.com/buy-the-book/ …or check Home page on the right for an e-book .

*New Guidelines and Recommendations from Medscape, Feb. Edition, p. 20, click on Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. http://reference.medscape.com/features/slideshow/guidelines/2017/february?src=wnl_edit_tpal&uac=156633BG:

Essential update: Children exposed to antibiotics may be at greater risk for juvenile arthritis. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1007276-overview




Parkinson’s Disease and The Gut

Recent research on Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and the gut biome suggests researchers may have been barking up the wrong tree. PD appears to be associated with dysbiosis or the ill health of your gut microbiome, not just the brain as was once thought.

PD has a “strong environmental component.”(1) Does this mean that what we breathe, drink, and eat can seriously affect our health depending on what genes we have? That’s the new line of thinking called epigenetics.

The article mentions exposure to pesticides, but does not mention a word about gluten, and of course there are numerous other toxins in our environment.

Gluten can be the root cause to over 300 symptoms and disorders/diseases that are well substantiated by over 19,000 world studies. Among them are anxiety, mood disorders, depression, headaches/migraines, schizophrenia, autism, ADHD, tics, muscular issues, and many more neurological issues that can be linked to celiac disease, a malabsorption issue. Many of these neuro-disorders can disappear or get miles better once the trigger, gluten, and perhaps dairy and other proteins are detected and removed from the diet and the gut has a chance to heal.

It’s interesting to note that PD patients may also have constipation (a common symptom of celiac) and other gut symptoms years before the PD symptoms first appear.

Although “they” say there is “no cure” and no “preventative” measures perhaps researchers have not looked hard enough at gluten intolerance and celiac disease and thorough enough testing to detect intolerance.

It would be intriguing to know how many newly diagnosed PD, ALS, or Alzheimer’s patients tested positive for gluten intolerance/celiac disease if given the extent of testing presented in my book, Toxic Staple. Too many patients are only given one test; it’s not enough in most cases.

To discover more research on PD and neurological issues related to gluten read Chapter 9: Neurological Dilemmas: The Mind-blowing Hazards of Gluten (the longest chapter in the book).

Order your copy of Toxic Staple here: https://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Staple-Gluten-Wrecking-Health/dp/0989239217 or http://www.toxicstaple.com

(1)Timothy R. Sampson et al. Gut Microbiota Regulate Motor Deficits and Neuroinflammation in a Model of Parkinson’s Disease. Cell, December 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.11.018 http://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(16)31590-2

Cell Press. “Gut microbes promote motor deficits in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 December 2016. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/12/161201122159.htm .






Is Gluten An Enhancer To Cancer?

Just as I was wrapping up a new post on my blog my attention was diverted to a TV add looking for donations as several young children spoke about their type of cancer. What a heart-wrenching appeal. You want to give everything you have so these children (and your own) won’t have to suffer the consequences of cancer and chemotherapy.

It makes me crazy when I learn of very serious disease, especially in children, because I’ve read way too much about the hazards of gluten. Yes, many cancers are linked to celiac disease and gluten consumption by significant research in my book.

Quoted from Chapter 13 in Toxic Staple: Gluten Indicted: An Enhancer to Cancer “…gluten plays a role in the cancer equation, and for those who are gluten-sensitive, this connection can be significant: ‘Untreated celiac disease increases the risk of cancer 200–300%.’(1) A wide range of cancers, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, throat/esophageal, stomach/intestinal/colon, and others are now being connected to gluten consumption. In addition, liver and throat ailments that can turn into cancer can clear up or improve on a gluten-free diet (GFD).” Many other cancers are mentioned and some studies are with children.

A 2013 study concludes, “in any patient with celiac disease, having hematological [blood] complaints… a possibility of lymphoma should be kept. Bone marrow examination should form a part of work up, as some of these patients may be harboring more sinister leukemias.”(2) Acute myeloid leukemia and osteosarcoma, blood and bone marrow cancers, were mentioned by the children in the appeal.

I searched one site that talked about healthy foods to help fight cancer. But if you have celiac disease, a malabsorption issue, your villi that absorb vitamins and minerals are being damaged. Lack of nutrition can affect any part of your body, even your blood and bones, and can lead to a weakened immune system, very likely setting one up for cancer and certainly making it difficult to fight it off.

Is gluten the bottom-line in many cancers? One of the phrases I repeatedly ran across in my research for Toxic Staple was, “If you want to avoid the complications of celiac disease and lymphoma, you need to do the gluten-free diet 100%.” But so much more research is needed on the ramifications of cancer and gluten. Then this vital info needs to be made available to our doctors.

I firmly believe most cancers could be prevented if one detected intolerance to gluten or celiac disease and then addressed a 100% gluten-free lifestyle. You will understand this by the time you get through the many GF success stories and supporting research in the book.

Please share this blog with anyone dealing with cancer or any chronic symptom or disease.

  1. Celiac Support Association, “Celiac Disease Facts”
  1. Aggarwal M, Kashyap R, Aggarwal G (2013) Celiac Disease with Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Rare Association. Pediat Therapeut 3:163. doi:10.4172/2161-0665.1000163
